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“Auditions – The Mousetrap and Death After Dessert

April 29, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - April 30, 2024 @ 9:00 pm

Auditions are coming up for our two murder mysteries to be staged this year, but they couldn’t be more different!


The Mousetrap – written by Agatha Christie

Our first auditions will be taking place on Monday, April 29th and Tuesday, April 30th at 6 pm for _The Mousetrap_, directed by Gavin Wilson


Show dates are September 26th to October 5th, 2024


The Mousetrap is considered an iconic Agatha Christie murder-mystery play currently in its 72nd year in London’s West End.


The setting is the drawing room of a country house in the West of England during a snow storm. The year is 1952.


A note from the Director:

“Obviously for all reasons no one wants to rehearse during the summer -so we won’t, but it will be necessary to make up for lost rehearsal time in September; therefore rehearsals will be in two parts. The first half 2nd May to 20th May 6pm to 9pm, Saturdays: 11am to 2pm. No Sundays.


Part two:  26th August onward – 6pm to 9pm, Saturdays & Sundays: 11am to 2pm.


Part one is principally blocking rehearsals. For those of us with ‘short-term memory loss’ pen n’ paper are a “must”. Please be off-book by 26th August or you will be punished!


Really looking forward to seeing you all on 29th & 30th April at 6 pm and good luck to everyone…including myself!”


Gavin Wilson, Director – _The Mousetrap_


Link to script:



Mollie Ralston (to play late 30s- 40s). The pleasant, young owner of Monkswell Manor. She has “an ingenuous air,” which is to say she comes off as innocent and often unsuspecting.


Giles Ralston (to play late 30s – 40s). Husband of Mollie, whom he loves. He may appear arrogant, but he’s really just overprotective of his new wife.


Christopher Wren (to play 20s). A bit flighty and somewhat neurotic. Is both quirky and vulnerable. And a little mysterious.


Mrs. Boyle (60s or 70s). Retired, ancient, grumpy, unpleasant. If there’s a kind bone in her body, she hides it well.


Major Metcalf (to play 60s). Typical retired British military officer. Underneath his gruffness . . . is more gruffness.


Miss Casewell (to play 30s – 40s). Somewhat masculine in demeanor. She keeps her cards close to the vest and remains aloof . . . and a little mysterious.


Mr. Paravicini (to play middle-aged). A man of unknown origin and age, he is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma . . . with an indeterminate accent. He’s a little mysterious.


Detective Sergeant Trotter (to play mid-30s). Determined to get to the bottom of things, is dogged in the pursuit of the truth.



GILES: pp. 10-12 (with Mollie); pp. 71-73 (with Mollie)


MOLLIE: pp. 10-12 (with Giles); pp. 25-26 (with Paravicini); pp. 47-49 (with Casewell); pp. 63-65 (with Trotter); pp. 66-68 (with Christopher); pp. 71-73 (with Mollie)


CHRISTOPHER: p. 14 (monologue); pp. 66-68 (with Mollie)


TROTTER: pp. 63-65 (with Trotter); pp. 76-77 (with Metcalf); pp. 80-82 (with Paravicini); pp. 82-85 (with Casewell)


PARAVICINI: pp. 25-26 (with Mollie); pp. 80-82 (with Trotter) METCALF: pp. 27-28 (with Boyle); pp. 76-77 (with Trotter)


CASEWELL: pp. 28-30 (with Boyle); pp. 47-49 (with Mollie); pp.82-85 (with Trotter) BOYLE: pp. 27-28 (with Metcalf); pp. 28-30




Death After Dessert – written by Nathaniel Butterfield

On stage between July 17th to the 28th.  Auditions will be held starting at 6 pm on May 20th and 21st in the theatre – Have a look at the synopsis – character breakdowns and audition materials will be available soon.  If you are not available for an in-person audition, please email the producer, Jenn Campbell at bmds@jenno.ca to arrange for a video audition.



In the early 1950s, America was beginning to really discover television. Many radio programs were moved to the new medium leaving a gap that was hard to fill.  By the 1960s, networks had ceased producing entertainment programs for radio.


It is 1959 and our radio station, WWIL 1020 AM from Wilhelmville, Wisconsin, is feeling the pinch.  Shows which had been staples for years have upped stakes and moved to television and advertisers are following as the viewership rises.


George Hawkins thinks he may have a solution.  His nephew, Andrew, has been working part time for a radio station while at University in Chicago.  George knows Andrew spent some time working in a studio that produced radio plays and this gives him an idea.


George writes a play and convinces his fellow members of the local drama club, the Wilhelmville Players, to help him put it on the air.  Maybe if they can do this once a week, they can fix a hole in the schedule.  This is the only production ever done by the “Whippoorwill Theatre of the Air”.  We are lucky to have discovered this recording, cut directly onto vinyl as the show was performed.


If you have any questions or need any more info – please email the producer for both productions – Jenn Campbell (Jenno) at bmds@jenno.ca


April 29, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
April 30, 2024 @ 9:00 pm